A change (selection) of an entity authorized to audit financial statements is made in the Company in a manner consistent with generally applicable provisions of law. Pursuant to § 16 sec. 3 points 5 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board of the Company selects the statutory auditor. Pursuant to the Regulations of the Supervisory Board of the Company, the Supervisory Board selects an entity authorized to audit financial statements in such a way as to ensure its independence in the performance of the tasks entrusted to it. The person providing the services of a statutory auditor submits to the Company a declaration of compliance with the statutory criteria of impartiality and independence. Moreover, in accordance with the Regulations of the Supervisory Board, a member of the Supervisory Board should take into account the interests of the Company, therefore when selecting an entity authorized to audit financial statements, he should take into account all aspects of cooperation with the statutory auditor, including, in particular, experience, time availability, and additional consultancy in the field of conducting accounting books, comprehensive services, price availability and proximity to a location. In addition, the Supervisory Board of the Company, acting pursuant to the provisions of the Act on Statutory Auditors, Audit Firms and Public Oversight of May 11, 2017, adopted the following documentation prepared by the Audit Committee: – Policy of selecting an audit firm to conduct an audit by a public interest entity – Helio S.A. with its registered office in Wygled, – Policy of provision by the audit company conducting the audit, by entities associated with this audit company and by a member of the audit company’s network of permitted non-audit services for the public interest entity – Helio S.A. with its seat in Wygledy, – Procedures for selecting an audit firm by a public interest entity – Helio S.A. based in Wygledy.