

Current report No 10/2007

The Management Board of HELIO S.A. hereby informs that the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange adopted on 2 April 2007 the resolution no. 233/2007 on introducing to trading on the basic market rights to series B ordinary bearer shares of the company HELIO S.A. The Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange resolved to:
1) introduce as of 16 April 2007 to trading on the basic market by way of ordinary procedure 1,128,000 rights to series B ordinary bearer shares of the company HELIO S.A. of the nominal value of PLN 0,50 each, bearing the code “PLHELIO00022”, designated by the National Depository for Securities,
2) determine the day of the first trading of the rights to the shares referred to in pt. 1 to be held on 16 April 2007,
3) trade the rights to the shares of the company HELIO S.A. referred to in pt. 1 in the continuous trading system under the abbreviated name of “HELIO-PDA” and the designation “HELA”.

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