The Management Board of HELIO S.A. informs that on 18.09.2015 HELIO S.A. concluded an annex to the agreement of transfer of title to secure items specified as to their kind with Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. based in Warsaw (“Bank”), about which the Issuer informed in the current report no. 3/2013 of 17.09.2013.
On the basis of the above annex a minimum market value of the subject assignment, which the Issuer as alienating must maintain increased to PLN 11,000,000.00. As at 26.08.2015 the book value of the assets which are the subject of transfer of ownership (stocks at the warehouse of raw material located in Brochów 119, 05-088 Brochów) in the Issuer’s accounts was PLN 13,205,011.98 zł.
The remaining essential terms of the agreement have not been changed. The annex was concluded in connection with the concluding of the annex to an annex to an agreement of credit on the current account executed on 17 September 2013, about which the Issuer informed in current report no 5/2015 of 18.09.2015 r.
There are no connections between the Issuer and its executive and supervisory bodies and the entity for the benefit of whom the transfer of title took place. The criterion for recognizing assets as assets of material value is exceeding 10% of sales revenues of the Issuer for the previous four financial quarters. The value of the transferred subject exceeds the amount of 1,000,000 EUR based on the average rate stated by National Bank of Poland on the date of signing the agreement.