Pursuant to the received notice, the Management Board of HELIO S.A. hereby informs that as a result of registration of an increase in the share capital of HELIO S.A carried out on 20 April 2007 by means of an issue of series B shares, a change by at least 1% in the share of over 33% of the total number of votes being in possession of Mr. Leszek Wąsowicz took place.
Prior to the aforementioned change in his share, Mr. Leszek Wąsowicz owned 3,857,000 series A ordinary bearer shares of HELIO S.A., which constituted 99.6% of the share capital of the Company and 99.6% of votes in the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company. Following the change, Mr. Leszek Wąsowicz is in possession of 3,857,000 series A ordinary bearer shares of HELIO S.A, which constitute 77.1% of the Company’s share capital and 77.1% of votes in the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company.
Mr. Leszek Wąsowicz is not in possession of series B ordinary bearer shares of HELIO S.A.