Mission and values

Together we create a healthy and tasty reality for us and future generations.

30 years of honest activity on the market have provided HELIO with an exemplary reputation and renown. Despite technological progress, we maintain a commendable harmony with the environment and the social surroundings. From the very beginning, the sustainable development strategy has been part of our organizational culture. Bearing in mind the family origin of the company, it has always tried to take care of social issues, live in harmony with nature, and at the same time in accordance with applicable law and business ethics. Find out more about the HELIO pillars of sustainable development.

Pillars of sustainable development

1. Environment

We resign from using palm oil

We have developed a technology that allows us to effectively eliminate palm oil from our products. We also cooperate with the University of Life Sciences in Poznań city, as part of the action "I do not eat palm trees - I protect Orangutans"

Experimental walnut plantation

On our experimental plantation in Brochów, we planted several hundred walnut trees of various varieties. Thanks to this, we not only want to contribute to increasing the efficiency of walnut cultivation in Poland, but also, and perhaps above all, leave a mark on the intergenerational history of Brochów, Mazovia and Poland.

We limit the consumption of water, energy and fuels

decrease in the consumption of liquid fuels in the period 2018-2020
decrease in the ratio of energy consumption to sales value in the period 2018-2020
decrease in the ratio of water consumption to sales value in the period 2018-2020
decrease in natural gas consumption in 2018-2020 (despite dynamic sales growth)


We focus on recycling by investing in appropriate and modern machines. Do you sort garbage at home? We too! Although we would like them not to be there, we face reality every day, just like you! We segregate, compress, recycle using professional tools... Just a little thing? I don't think so, because each of us has a real impact on the environment!

We have implemented an environmental policy

The priority of the policy is to create programs, methods and activities that enable the conduct of business in an environmentally friendly manner.

Our environmental policy is mainly focused on:

  • Conducting business in accordance with applicable regulations and standards regarding environmental protection
  • Rational use of electricity, heat and water
  • Introduction and strict compliance with internal regulations related to the reduction of waste generation
  • Continuous investment in more and more modern devices, focusing on their energy efficiency and other factors contributing to environmental protection
  • Creating permanent cooperation with proven suppliers

Minimizing the negative impact on the environment by:

  • Compliance with applicable regulations and rules in the field of environmental protection
  • Minimizing the amount of solid and liquid waste
  • The use of raw materials and packaging to ensure the production of products of the quality expected by customers and meeting the requirements of environmental protection
  • Improving production technologies and processes so that they are environmentally friendly and meet the needs and expectations of current and future customers and other interested parties
  • Continuous commitment of employees to the continuous improvement of quality and systematic improvement of their competences in the field of environmental protection
  • Providing employees with appropriate working conditions and resources for the continuous development and modernization of the company

2. People


Polish company with family roots, in which we focus on a good atmosphere and friendly relations


Both in terms of gender, education, experience and origin. Thanks to it, we expand each other's competences and experience.


We do not rely on stereotypes, but competences. Experience and skills is what counts in each position, therefore we employ and treat employees equally, regardless of their gender.

Trustworthy employer

HELIO is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange - full transparency and a guarantee of a stable market and financial situation.

Involvement in pro bono actions

We help not for the sake of applause, but for a higher purpose. We are involved in many pro-social initiatives, both on a local and national scale, on an ad hoc and cyclical basis.

Business ethics

Member of the Business Center Club - an organization of entrepreneurs to which only reliable and credible companies are invited, adhering to the principles of commercial ethics and the code of honor.

Sustainable supply chain

We carefully select suppliers, counteract social pathologies (such as child labor or employee exploitation).

Business partnership

"Win-win" strategy to benefit all business partners.

Polish company

We produce and employ in Poland and pay taxes here. Polish brand, Polish founder and Polish ownership structure.

3. Health

We promote healthy consumer habits

  • Promoting healthy eating habits
  • Educating and building consumer awareness
  • Caring for the highest quality of products, including annual certification according to the international standard of food safety - BRC
  • Policy of eliminating palm oil and preservatives
  • Certification of products in the "Read composition recommends" program
  • Caring for people on a gluten-free diet - unique gluten-free products, e.g. poppy seed mass, fudge mass certified with the licensed "crossed ear" mark
  • Cooperation with nutrition and healthy diet experts, including, for example, the Human Nutrition Institute of the Medical University of Warsaw "

Find out more about Helio products

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